Project topic :HOW TO GET A GOOD SLEEP?

Shan Jiang v00936037

Project plane: Why I choose this topic? 

because I have insomnia before the exam every time, it has been bothering me for a long time, that make me think to make a presentation about sleep ad share my project with people who have some trouble.

First of all, I created a document to record the knowledge I needed Then, I will create a PowerPoint, put this knowledge in each slide, and search images on google which one can express the content from text. I used Screencastify to record a video when I did a presentation at home, then use Openshot cut some time, I think it is unnecessary. I also used h5p in WordPress, I put some multiple-choice questions in the video, it makes people feel interactive.

Learning Objectives:

After watched this video:

  1. The learner will know what is misinformation about sleep: (“Everyone needs eight hours of sleep a night?”, “Take a wine before sleep?”, “Get more sleep on weekend?”)
  2. How did alcohol affect us when we drink before sleep. (REM)
  3. What will happen if we have sleep deprivation. (Emotional state, Immune system)
  4. Why don’t use your cellphone before going to bed?(Blue light,dopamine,melatonin)
  5. How to release pressure? (Fight or Fight response system)

Multimedia principles:

  1. Cognitive Load Theory: Each slide only has one topic to introduce what it is , when it happens. and I put some object less than six, the purpose is to relieve the learning pressure of learners.
  2. Redundancy principle: Each slide has very few words, it summarizes what I have expressed.
  3. Multimedia & Modality Principles: I used images to explain the short text. It helps learners learn better.

4.The Signaling Principle:There is an introduction about each slides before the start of the speech.(PPT SLIDE 1),Important words will be treated in bold.

Multimedia element:



There will be multiple-choice questions in the video to help learners understand important words when they watch the video.

Relate vedio:

How caffeine and alcohol affect your sleep | Sleeping with Science, a TED series
Sleep Deprived and Always Tired? How to Overcome It
Sleeping With Your Phone Is Slowly Killing You


Tips To Sleep Better

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Your Body

Busting the 8-Hour Sleep Myth: Why You Should Wake Up in the Night

Why Alcohol Disrupts Your Sleep